Medical Training

Learn life-saving techniques and emergency response skills with our certified training courses.



  • Car accidents
  • Injuries from falls
  • Shootings, stabbings, physical beatings
  • Sports injuries, martial arts incidents
  • Public incidents, mass casualties, workplace incidents
  • Medication, drug, alcohol emergencies

Everyday Carry Items

  • Medical trauma/first aid kit with gloves (IFAK)
  • Communication device or a way to signal for help (phone is most effective)
  • Easily accessible flashlight
  • Pen or non-digital writing tool
  • Less-than-lethal / non-lethal weapon
  • Lethal weapon

First Responder Guidelines

  • Ensure scene safety first; you can't help if you get hurt.
  • Conduct a 360-degree scan of the environment for threats.
  • Form a link with others; children or those with special needs.

When Encountering a Non-Responsive Person

  • Ensure the scene is safe.
  • Check for responsiveness by tapping and shouting.
  • Direct someone to call 911 using an authoritative voice, and look for AED.
  • If the person is non-responsive, implied consent is given for help.
  • Begin the assessment immediately.

Basic Life Support

Basic Life Support involves CPR, AED, and first aid.

High-Quality Chest Compressions
  • Start CPR immediately after recognizing cardiac issues.
  • Direct someone to take over after 2 minutes if possible.
  • Correct hand placement: lower half of the breastbone, 2-handed technique.
  • Compression rate: 100 to 120/min, with 30 compressions in 15-18 seconds.
  • Depth: At least 2 inches or 1/3 of body size, avoid stopping if ribs break.
  • Use an AED if available; direct someone to call 911 and find an AED.
  • Turn on the machine, then follow the AED's prompted instructions.


  • Direct Pressure.
  • Tourniquets
  • Chest Seals

Become a Lifesaver with Essential Skills

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